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Mastering Electric Mountain Bike Advanced Techniques

Electric Bike Advanced Techniques

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Electric mountain bikes, also called e-bikes, open up trail riding like never before. With an integrated electric motor and battery, e-bikes give you pedal assistance to help conquer challenging uphill climbs. However, these high-tech bikes handle differently than traditional mountain bikes. Mastering advanced riding skills takes practice and proper technique.

Handling the Extra Weight

E-bikes carry extra weight from the motor and battery pack. This shifts your center of gravity, influencing how the bike handles on the trail. The key is balancing your weight carefully, especially during turns.

Avoid making abrupt direction changes at high speeds. The heavier bike will feel less responsive, increasing your chance of losing control. Scan ahead on the trail to spot upcoming turns early. Move your body weight toward the inside of each curve. Stick your outside leg out to help steer in that direction. Positioning your weight appropriately through turns makes handling the heftier e-bike more intuitive in time.

Maximizing Motor Efficiency

Most e-bikes come equipped with different levels of power assist. The lowest settings provide just enough extra oomph to take the edge off fatigue during extended rides. Higher assist modes essentially give your pedaling a nitrous oxide boost to charge up climbs.

Use the more aggressive motor settings wisely based on trail conditions and technique. Spinning your pedals quickly works best to activate the maximum electric assist. You will drain the battery faster this way, but it helps prevent bogging down on super steep grades. Change down to lighter power modes once you crest the climb to conserve juice.

Proper gear selection also optimizes motor efficiency. Use the e-bike’s easier gears whenever possible, reserving the taller ratios for high-speed cruising. This reduces strain on the motor so it does not labor excessively. Shifting gears smoothly keeps momentum up going uphill as well. Time shifts between pedal strokes to maintain cadence. Let the electric power fill in dips effortlessly.

Handling Motor Cut-Out

E-bike motors have built-in cut-out points when speeds or internal temperatures get too high. This safety mechanism protects the motor from damage when operating near its performance ceiling. However, the sudden loss of power can catch inexperienced riders off guard.

Pay attention to cut-out warning signals from the e-bike. Most models have indicator lights showing power levels and assist modes. Heed flashing alerts pointing to overheating conditions. Moderate pedal assist use or stop completely to give the motor a chance to cool if needed.

Motor cut-outs mid-climb pose the biggest handling challenge. Maintain steady pedaling RPMs even after assist cuts out to carry momentum uphill smoothly. Shift to easier gears if necessary to keep moving forward under your own leg power. Avoid panic braking or sudden weight shifts that could lead to losing control. Stay centered and composed to ride out assistance drop-offs.

Braking Carefully

Quality e-bike brake components accurately control speed on descents. But the heavier bike weight affects braking performance compared to traditional mountain bikes. It generally takes more lever pressure and longer stopping distances. Over-braking the front wheel risks flipping over if you go too hard, too fast.

Use more rear brake bias to harness gravity efficiently. Let the back wheel help stabilize the bike better during hard braking situations. Drag the rear brake lightly on steeper sections to keep downward velocity in check. Cover both levers without locking either wheel to shave speed gradually.

Repeated heavy braking also pushes the limits of overheating. Monitor rotor temperatures by feel when slowing over long durations. Alternate between front and rear if one gets extremely hot. Allow short cool-down periods if brakes start fading before the bottom. This prevents catastrophic failure losing all stopping power.

Master essential braking techniques step-by-step on less challenging terrain first. Build confidence incrementally by applying controlled stops at various speeds. Soon modulating e-bike brakes downhill becomes second nature.

Cornering Confidence

The heavier e-bike weight affects handling dynamics through turns compared to non-motorized models too. Body positioning and weight transfer prove critical to maintaining control carving corners efficiently.

Drop your outside pedal low exiting each curve while leaning the bike hard into the turn. Press down firmly to drive your weight toward the tires’ contact patches evenly. Avoid perplexing the motor by pedaling incorrectly mid-corner. Freewheel or use very light pressure so it does not fight your momentum.

Look where you want the front wheel to go entering and exiting turns. Spot exit lines accurately while keeping vision up to anticipate changing conditions. Use your upper body as a counterbalance against centrifugal forces pulling outward. Stay relaxed, keeping limbs loose to soak up trail chatter more comfortably during committed cornering.

As always, match cornering speed to visibility and trail conditions. Scan ahead fully before initiating direction changes at pace. Feather brakes to control velocity prudently on off-camber traverses or loose surfaces. Dial back risk when uncertain by straightening the bar gently before realigning. Perfect practice makes perfect!

Essential Skills to Hone

E-bikes open up access to exciting new terrain. But be careful not to let that capability outpace fundamental skills development. Dial in proven mountain bike techniques thoroughly before charging into the advanced zone solely on electric power.

Floating Obstacles

Bombing downhill at mach speed seems thrilling. But one poorly negotiated rock, root or hole can instantly wreck your day. Expert riders float over obstacles by using proper body separation and weight manipulation.

As you approach technical features, stand tall, centering your mass between both wheels. Push the bike forward aggressively right before the obstacle, un-weighting the wheels. Simultaneously spring upward off the pedals, allowing the bike to rise beneath you. Time this motion to lift over top cleanly. Land both tires evenly, staying loose to absorb impacts smoothly.

Practice body separation techniques extensively on moderate terrain first. Slow your entry speed down substantially, focusing on balanced take-offs and landings. Once you nail the timing consistently, work on clearing larger objects from faster starting speeds until it becomes instinctual.

Cornering Confidence

Carving turns confidently separates capable riders from the pack. Dialing cornering skills maximizes downhill fun while minimizing crashes. Proper vision, braking, bike lean and weight manipulation prove essential.

Enter turns with relaxed vision focused towards the exit point. Use your brakes to reduce speed appropriately before initiating direction changes at pace. Press the inside grip firmly while pulling up on the outside to tip the bike into a smooth arc towards the apex.

Let centrifugal forces press the tires firmly into the trail surface as you carve round. Adjust lean angles based on surface conditions to prevent washing out. Dig your outside knee against the top tube to influence bike lean intuitively. Spot your exit line accurately while keeping vision up to read changing terrain.

Un-weight the wheels feathering both brakes to stand the bike up straight exiting the turn. Accelerate smoothly along the next straight section by driving weight into the pedals optimally.

As always, start slowly on basic corners, building fundamentals brick by brick. Nail line choice, braking and bike handling at mild speeds before unleashing your inner downhill demon at velocity!

Bunny Hopping

Bunny hops let you bound over obstacles higher than your wheel diameter. Time a smooth upward pump between both wheels to gain loft. This challenging skill takes tons of practice to stick consistently.

Approach moderately sized logs, rocks or ledges keeping weight centered. Crouch low, preloading both legs equally as you reach the take-off point. Explode upward forcefully, springing from the pedals and handlebars simultaneously.

Whip both wheels skyward while lifting your body up and back towards the rear fender. Clear the obstacle by sucking knees tightly to your chest at peak height like a freestyler. Land gently on both tires together, staying loose to cushion impacts optimally.

Start attempting bunny hops at very low speeds only after mastering basic wheel lifts. Build height incrementally by adding power to your take-offs without compromising form. Charge larger objects confidently once textbook hops come naturally from a standstill.

Stay patient repeating quality reps daily until bunny hop timing clicks unconsciously. Before you know it, boulders and fallen trees will cower beneath your soaring skill!

Electric bicycles enable riding places and paces unattainable on old-school pedal bikes. But respect real world physics, pushing e-bike capabilities too far too fast frequently ends poorly. Invest wholeheartedly perfecting essential techniques over time. Soon enough you will shred beyond your wildest expectations safely!

About the Author

Tony K

Senior Technical Writer,

Tony K is a technical editor at He has a focus on downhill bike riding but still loves xc bikes too.

With more than ten years of mountain biking experience and more than 5 years testing mountain bikes, Tony has ridden and tested hundreds of different bikes and products, everything from XC to enduro bikes. Tony regularly competes in mountain bike races while seeing how long those compontents can hold up which gives me a lot of insight.

When he isn't shredding down a mountain or camping out, he is writing reviews for Mountain Bike Experience.

Rides: Surly Lowside, Canyon Exceed